vendredi 8 mai 2015

Tips to Stop Smoking

Trying to quit smoking may seem like a somewhat impossible thing to do. Whether you are right out
of college or thirty-year smoker, a cigarette (or two) can seem like such a crucial part throughout the day. I will let you know, however, that it is very possible to quit. As a former smoker myself, I used to smoke almost a pack every three days.
I had never really smoked cigarettes until I went to college, but by the times I was a few years out I began to realize that I was still regularly smoking (I realized because my wallet was thinning). I pledged to myself that I would quit smoking and in just one years time was able to do.
Here is my philosophy on quitting smoking: there are two main parts to a cigarette addiction. The first part is the obvious chemical aspect. Nicotine is a very addicting alkaloid that is contained in cigarettes, which in small doses can cause dependence. The second part is a mental aspect to the addiction.
For many smokers, a substantial part of their addiction is founded in their mentally based addictive habits. People create mental cravings for cigarettes often falling victim those cravings. It is important to note that one must break both the mental and physical (chemical) addictions in order to truly quit smoking.
There is one golden for quitting smoking and that rule is: there is no golden rule. That is to say that there is no one specific way to quit smoking. There are patches, gums, pills, motivational tapes/videos, and all other sorts of gadgets. The key thing to remember is that everyone is different and everyone will react differently to different approaches. The secret is to figure out with method works best for you.
One way to do this is to sit down and write out reasons why you want to quit and how you came to start smoking in the first place. Smoking is extremely unhealthy, and as a former smoker, I would advise to anyone who is trying to quit: to try their hardest.
According to the American Cancer Society smoking is the single greatest cause of cancer in the US. Smoking kills tons of people worldwide every year. It is imperative to understand the risks you undertake as a chronic smoker. With the right methods, mental dedication, and self-discipline one can rid themselves of this dangerous habit.

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